As a practicing nutritionist I consult clients with various health conditions, such as Diabetes, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Inflammatory diseases, Over-weight just to list a few.

When consulting I like to educate the client on what’s going on with their body, how their body works and how can it be fixed in an appropriate way. Each of us is an individual. So an individual plan is recommended, along with my recipe book, a shopping list and how to get started on a new health journey. It can seem overwhelming but it’s a great start with lots of support and lifestyle considerations.

How does the Body Work?

When you are struggling with any health condition or weight loss, it must be understood… there is no quick fix!!! But, there are solutions for different conditions, so we just need to understand and target accordingly.

I love to use this chart in the clinic because it shows the location of the organs in the body structure as I explain their function.

I focus on the following internal organs:

The Liver - located on the right quadrant of the abdomen below the diaphragm. Weighing about 1.5 kilos, its function includes removal of toxins, processing food nutrients and regulating body metabolism.

The Gall Bladder - a small sac that holds bile, a digestive juice produced by the liver that is used in the breakdown of dietary fats. The presence of fatty foods triggers the gallbladder to squeeze its bile concentrate into the small intestine.

The Pancreas - has a dual role, it is an organ of the digestive system and of the endocrine system. The exocrine pancreas produces enzymes that help to digest food, particularly protein. It makes the hormone insulin, which helps to control blood sugar levels.

The Spleen - major functions are removing abnormal blood cells and making components of the immune system.

The human Gastrointestinal Tract (GI tract or GIT) - is an organ system responsible for digesting, transporting and absorbing nutrients and expelling waste. It also provides an appropriate housing for the good Bacteria. It’s called the second brain. I cannot stress enough about the GIT.  It’s complex but, Gosh its amazing! It provides the perfect environment for the good bacteria, which are responsible for the entire health of the mind and body. The bowel is involved in excreting the residues. If constipation occurs we have a back log, which must be addressed. Besides it has many other functions.

The Lymphatic System - is part of the circulatory system and a vital part of the immune system. The primary function of the lymphatic system is to transport lymph - a fluid which contains infection fighting white blood cells throughout the body.

Kidneys - We have two kidneys, they are the unsung heroes of our bodies and perform a number of very important jobs: they regulate Blood Pressure, water balance, cleanse the blood and activates vitamin D.

Adrenal Glands - are the endocrine glands that produce a variety of hormones including, adrenaline and the steroids aldosterone and cortisol. They are found just above the kidneys. Too much cortisol will lead to abdominal weight gain.

The Skin - is the largest organ of the body with a total area of about 20 square feet. The skin protects us from microbes and the elements, helps regulate body temperature and permits the sensations of touch, heat and cold. The skin also aids to eliminate toxins.

The Thyroid Gland - is part of the endocrine system, which is made up glands that produce, store and release hormones into the bloodstream so that they can reach the body’s cells. The thyroid gland uses Iodine from the foods we eat to make two main hormones: Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxixe(T4). Thyroid hormone regulates the metabolic rate of almost all the cells of the body.